News and Alerts

City Department of Neighborhoods is in Westwood

An inspector from the Department of Neighborhoods has been going up and down our streets looking for violations of city ordinances such as storing your garbage can and recycle can in view from the street.
Please be aware that residents cannot store the green recycle can or the brown garbage can where anyone can see it as they pass by.

2 thoughts on “City Department of Neighborhoods is in Westwood

  • Gordon Berg

    My wife and I took a drive through the neighborhood this past weekend. Within a matter of minutes we counted over 20 homes with garbage and recycle cans sitting out in the open. Perhaps it is time for the city to revisit us and start posting citations to prove they mean business.

  • Gordon Berg

    My wife and I took a drive through the neighborhood this past weekend. Within a matter of minutes we counted over 20 homes with garbage and recycle cans sitting out in the open. Perhaps it is time for the city to revisit us and start posting citations to prove they mean business.

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