
Fair Warning-City Ordinance Ticketing

The city of Houston has established several new departments. The one of most interest is the City of Houston Inspections and Public Services. This department is in charge of enforcing city ordinances which directly impact our neighborhoods. They will enforce ordinances relating to open and vacant buildings, nuisances on private property (to include putting out heavy trash early), junk motor vehicles, weeded lots, and graffiti. This department is authorized to issue tickets. These tickets are just like a traffic ticket. If they are not paid, a warrant for your arrest will be issued. We plan on using this department to help us keep our neighborhood neat and orderly. So this is a fair warning, if you violate one of the city ordinances mentioned, you will get a ticket.

8 thoughts on “Fair Warning-City Ordinance Ticketing

  • “violet one”?

    • Bill Pennington

      Any one Rose

  • “violet one”?

    • Bill Pennington

      Any one Rose

  • Meredith Phillips

    Can this committee be contacted for a neighbor’s excessive barking dog??

    • Bill Pennington

      Excessive noise from barking dogs should be reported to HPD. The non emergency number is 713 884 3131.

  • Meredith Phillips

    Can this committee be contacted for a neighbor’s excessive barking dog??

    • Bill Pennington

      Excessive noise from barking dogs should be reported to HPD. The non emergency number is 713 884 3131.

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